Thursday, December 6, 2007

Keynoting XML 2007

This week I gave the closing keynote at XML 2007 in Boston.

The opening keynote had a three-person panel debating the question, Does XML have a future on the Web? I decided with the closing keynote to bookend that topic and answer the question with a talk titled You're Darn Right XML Has a Future on the Web, using MarkMail and its XML-centric model as supporting evidence. I've posted the talk's slides as an interactive Flash file. Click to advance.

During the rest of the week I was handing out "list:xml-dev" T-shirts, just like we had for ApacheCon but with a new list community.

My favorite quote was from Jon Bosak (often called the father of XML) who, upon receiving his T-shirt and learning how MarkMail was built on XML, said to me: This is cool on so many levels.

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